Sunday, May 24, 2009

Free E-BOOK 6- Payments and Receipts

Note:If you find it difficult to follow the instructions or guidelines provided in these FREE E BOOKS,there are several companies which sell ready-made sites which may earn for you in a relatively short period.Here is an example of one such site:
Ready-to-earn sites available.Now You can start earning without any effort at all.

Payments and receipts through the internet:


1.Credit Card:

One of the standard forms of payments through the internet is through the use of Credit Card.Use of credit card carries with it certain risks since you are forced to share personal and important details with unknown companies.However,many companies mention clearly on their web pages that privacy and security is taken care of.It is entirely an individual's decision to accept or reject such assurances.


Paypal is another mode of payment through the net.It is also used for receipts plus many other types of transactions.Registration to paypal is free.There is no need to share personal details except giving your e-mail id while making or receiving payments.Some important features of Paypal are:

1.You can Send Money
2.You can Request Money
3.You can easily Add Funds
4.You can Withdraw Funds
5.You have several other Merchant Services and
6.You can access the history of all your transactions easily.

Click here to open a Paypal account:


Alertpay also seems to have several good features similar to Paypal.(I have not yet personally tested Alertpay)

Click here to open an Alertpay account